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Why you need a Sump Pump

Hole in floor with sump pump shown inside

We all know the feeling- when your tire goes flat, you wish you had checked the spare. The powerSump Pump System goes out and you can’t find a flashlight anywhere. Wherever things go wrong preparedness seems to be an unfortunate afterthought. One area in your home where this can have serious consequences is not having a sump pump, or having one and not maintaining it.

Sump Pumps- The Basics

Water collects in the lowest places. In your house, that’s the basement. There are many potential sources for water to enter the basement such as storms, leaking pipes (even ones outside your house like municipal sewer lines) or elevated water tables. The common thread is the need to get rid of the water before it can cause problems. These problems can include mold and bacterial growth and even significant damage to your home and property. A sump pump senses high water levels and attempts to remove the water before it can cause damage.

Sump Pumps in Columbus, Ohio

Water table levels can be high in Columbus. One quick way to get a feel for the water table level is how close you are to streams or lakes. These are locations where the water table is actually above ground- a sign that it may be near your basement level. When the water table is around this level, water is very likely to enter the basement- one of the main problems sump pumps are designed to deal with. But even if the water table is not quite that high it only takes a single incident like a broken pipe to either raise the water table locally or release water directly into the basement and cause problems. So in Columbus it’s all the more important to have a sump pump and make sure it’s in good working condition. Sump pump repair could be needed especially on a unit that hasn’t been used frequently since its condition is uncertain.

Sump Pump Installation

Typical sump pump installation will consist of perforated pipe around the foundation, a sump or basin just under basement level and electric pump that may be located either in the sump or above floor level. This mechanism would pump the water up through a pipe and outside the house. A float device, similar to the one found in your toilet lets the pump know when to switch on as water rises in the sump. Some very important points to check if you have a sump pump are making sure it does not drain into the sewer and also to have a suitable battery backup. After all, a hardwired pump can’t help you if the power goes out which is a good possibility during storms.

So your home’s basement could be vulnerable. If your house doesn’t have a sump pump or you haven’t checked it lately, you can avoid that sinking feeling by contacting a professional and making sure you and your house are protected with an adequate, functioning sump pump.

Call (614) 776-0998 for all of your Sump Pump needs

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